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Birth True has a New and Improved Website!

September 8, 2011

Birth True Childbirth Education is growing!  We are offering a wider variety of options for classes and workshops to the women, families, and birth professionals of eastern Kentucky and the surrounding areas.  We’d love for you to check out the new website  Our passion is for the mothers, babies, and supportive companions of our community as well as those in other underserved and/or rural areas.  Our goal is to offer classes for any mother who wants them regardless of location.  We’d love to hear your ideas!

Lamaze Childbirth Preparation for Eastern Kentucky

January 3, 2011

Birth True Childbirth Education Services is happy to announce an option for the pregnant women, families, and their support persons of eastern Kentucky.  There is so much to consider when you are waiting for your new baby, and sometimes it can be a very anxious and unsure time.  You may feel like you have so many questions and no time to find or ask for all of the answers.  You may simply need reassurance that, yes, you can do this!  Or, it may have been a few years since you last gave birth, and you are looking to approach birth with new information this time around.  Pregnant families in eastern Kentucky now have the option of attending a Lamaze series of classes in childbirth/childbirth support at a low cost that will:


  • address your concerns
  • provide you with comfort measures for labor
  • cover the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy/birth
  • familiarize you with the stages of labor, and how to know when you are in labor
  • provide an explanation of medical interventions you may need
  • introduce basic newborn parenting (including breastfeeding).

There is nothing more satisfying than approaching your upcoming labor and birth knowing exactly what is happening in your body, having a game plan for your birth that you are completely comfortable with, and being prepared for the many unknowns.  This will bring you closer to having an experience that is true to yourself and true to your baby.

For more information please visit the FAQs page, email or call 606-642-3495. I look forward to speaking with you!  Registration for a private class series and workshops is open now!

Are you in your first trimester?  Birth True is offering a new class for mothers in early pregnancy called Setting the Stage for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth.  See the Class Schedule and Price Options page for more information.

You may now “like” Birth True on Facebook to receive updates, inspiring quotes, links to the latest information on pregnancy and childbirth, and positive birth stories.

Birth True is Now Offering a New Class for Women in Early Pregnancy!!!

October 2, 2010

Did you ever imagine you could move like this in your 9th month of pregnancy?

Setting the Stage for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth is a new class offered by Kelli B. Haywood, M.A.T., instructor of Birth True Childbirth Education classes.  This class is for newly pregnant mothers and will help you learn about the important aspects of keeping a pregnancy healthy and keeping you an active, fit, and comfortable mother.  A healthy pregnancy also means less time “bouncing back” during your postpartum period.  You will explore proper nutrition in pregnancy and the best ways to eat for two (weight gain/loss is not the focus of the instruction, but choosing foods that will give you the best nutrients for your growing baby and energy for your hard working body).  Losing your ability to be an active woman and feeling like your body is somehow unhealthy, unattractive, or unfit is not a necessary side effect of pregnancy.  Pregnant bodies are beautiful, healthful, and amazing vessels for bringing new life into the world.  You too can celebrate your pregnant body!  Not only that, but you will learn exercises that will prepare your body for the birth of your baby.

Setting the Stage is a one meeting, 2 1/2 hour class to introduce you to these aspects of early pregnancy.  The curriculum is designed to be a gentle method of exploring options for nutrition and exercise available to all pregnant mothers regardless of the symptoms of pregnancy they may be experiencing (morning sickness, fatigue, moodiness…) during this time of rapid body changes.  In Setting the Stage class, you will also receive information on choosing the care provider for your prenatal care and birth that will best meet your needs and what you feel are important criteria for a birth that will allow you to feel safe and assured. 

You do not have to have a background in fitness or nutritious eating.  The time is now!  Pregnancy is a great opportunity and motivation to be the healthiest you you can be.  And it isn’t all sweating, panting out of breath, and eating cardboard meals.  It is fun!  A way to connect to your baby before he/she is born!  A way to enjoy eating for two!  A way to feel good throughout your entire pregnancy!  See Class Schedule and Price Options for more information, and call or email to schedule your class today!  Setting the Stage mommies will receive $10 off of the complete Lamaze Childbirth Preparation class series whether they choose group or private classes!